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Scattering Shadows: Total Lunar Eclipse 2025

March 13 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


A total lunar eclipse will be visible for us in the very early morning hours of March 14. March 14 is also a special day for mathematicians and astronomers – it is PI day!

Visit us at Wiley Planetarium to learn about why total lunar eclipses are red, what shadows have to do with it, and how you can catch the first of two total lunar eclipses in 2025. Just in case the sky is cloudy during the lunar eclipse, or maybe you aren’t a night owl, we will observe a simulated total lunar eclipse through the magic of the planetarium. Following the 30 min live portion of the show, we will play a planetarium film from our archive voted on by members of the audience.

Ticket Pricing
Adults: $5.00
Children (under age of 12): $3.00
DSU students/faculty: FREE (present valid DSU ID/OKRA KARD)
Tickets sold at the door. Cash or check only. Make check payable to Delta State University.
No admittance will be available after the show’s scheduled start time.



March 13
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Wiley Planetarium
Delta State University
Cleveland, MS 38733 United States
+ Google Map